
As the author of this book, I draw upon my own life experiences of seeing and living through severe hostilities of war at a young age. Having come from a family of prominence and living this real-life tragedy these insights help guide your consciousness to overcome anything.

This book was created for the purpose of helping people from any walk of life or difficult circumstances with solutions to help you overcome severe life challenges. My obstacles of life and death were experienced first at the early ages experienced severe difficulties after being raised within a family of leadership within Korean history. Seeing death first hand at such a young age formed the foundation of overcoming the impossible.



As consciousness begins to awaken even further, the ego drops and judgments begin to fade away.

Having ascended from a war orphan through extreme hardship and poverty, following disciplined military training, excelling in mastering multiple educational disciplines, transitioning from military Special Forces, intelligence and governmental security leadership. All these life experiences have contributed to this body of work. Physically, mentally and spiritually the insights within can be self-empowering it all depends on our mind and thoughts!



First was personal survival next was economic hardship with extreme poverty, following my families traditional path of military training. During actual life experiences coming face to face with death and surviving wars, military service intelligence arena, to multinational corporate entrepreneur has provided the insights enclosed. This how-to book is designed for a personal guide that any person no matter the culture, limitations or personal trauma can overcome mental memories holding you back.

The price of $4.00 has been set for ease of access and not to have financial gain. Having attained success at all levels of life from educational, military, governmental diplomatic, Grandmaster of martial arts and deep spiritual awareness is where I draw the message and insights. Focus on these words and read the information until you take control of self-actualization of your own destiny and tap into the power of the subconscious mind.



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